Florist and more!


Sylvain's florist shop is opposite the market hall. Don't be shy, come on in and have a look round! Sylvain has made his shop into a grotto with greenery everywhere, even on the ceilings! There are plants in every nook and cranny, from floor to ceiling! Terraniums, orchids, cacti, kokedama (a Japanese growing technique which translates as 'mossy balls'!!!) extravagent bouquets, mirror and picture frames made from natural materials.....

Syvain will guide your choices using your colour scheme and taking into account the occasion being celebrated. And you will finish with something unique and personal:

House plants and outside plants, rare plants, garden design, decorating your terrace, your balcony, your pond or your walls with plants...

And for an unforgettable wedding:

Flower arrangements, centre-pieces, room decorations, buttonholes, garlands for the cars and of course the bouquet for the bride!

Almost every occasion can be enhanced by the gift of plants or flowers!

Where to find us and what to do near by ?

77 rue Jean Jaurès, 79200 Parthenay


Payment methods

Accepte la Gatinelle

Opening hours

le mardi de 10h00 à 19h00 le mercredi vendredi et samedi de 9h30 à 19f00 le jeudi de 14h00 à 19h00 Tél : 05 17 31 67 65

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